Monday, November 30, 2009

Indian Community

Waitman Worthington McDaniel lived in and around Cecil. Some of his history was recorded and can be found at the Taylor County Library. In a certain section entitled “Mound Builders” a prehistoric “house or fort” structure is described. According to the information given “one side of the enclosure is a natural cliff thirty high and semicircle in shape.” It also describes evidence of a battle that may have taken place in this area. Quoting the text, “the back of a human skulls, human bones, and human teeth are among the ghastly relics which have been picked up.” It is unclear whether when the battle took place before David Tygart and Robert Files settled in the Tygart Valley in 1753. Whether or not a battle actually occurred will probably never be known. However, it is clear that an indian settlement was located in the Pleasant Creek area. The pictures below are of what I believe to be the natural cliff described in the story.